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CEES 2011 will be held on Aug.28-29 in Beijing, China
来源:  CEES secretariat            加入时间:  2011-07-10                   摄              文


CEES 2011 will be held on Aug.28-29 in Beijing,China. China government senior officials , Buzz Aldrin, Apollo  11 moon  landing astronaut, Sergio C. Trindade, Nobel Prize Co-Laureate, Wang Xiji, CAS Member , a distinguished precursor of Chinese A-bomb, h-bomb, artificial satellite ect. will attend

For word edition, please click on:

Inviting letter from CEES 2011(20110727).doc

CEES 2011 Draft agenda (20110725-1).doc

3. CEES 2011 Registration Form (20110725).doc

Inviting Letter from China Energy and
Environment Summit 2011(CEES)
Dear Sr. or Madam,
On behalf of Organizing Committee of China Energy and Environment Summit(CEES), I have the honor to invite you to attend CEES 2011 to be convened on Aug.28-29, 2011 in Beijing, China.
CEES, Joint sponsored by the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Energy Bureau, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Ministry of Land and Resources, has been successfully held for three sessions since 2008. Joint organized by University of International Business and Economics, China Academy of Space Technology , Space Energy Group,  Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University ect. CEES 2011 will  invite government officials from National Energy and Environment Administrations, domestic and international top-level experts and scholars including Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 moon landing astronaut, Sergio C. Trindade, Nobel Peace Prize Co-Laureate, Wang Xiji, Member of Chinese Academy of Science, a distinguished precursor of Chinese A-bomb, h-bomb, artificial satellite ect. to extend a discussion in depth on China’s high-tech and new energy ,space technology, Energy Conservation and Environment Protection and reach a consensus.

The subject of the Summit is designed in response to : (1)Strategy and planning of high-tech and new energy development, energy conservation and environment protection; (2)Development and application of high-end clean energy---Promotion and enhance of the national economy by space based solar power and development of related space technology; (3)Comparative analysis on high-tech and new energy and space technology industrialization Prospects--- solar power, space solar power, nuclear energy, bio-energy, geothermal, wind and other energy technology. (4)Green economy, energy conservation and environment protection/Financing of new energy, energy conservation and environment protection ; (5)Technology development and application study of biologic energy.

The Summit will offer Chinese and international dignitaries, top experts and scholars, business leaders to start a high-level dialogue and accelerate energy partnership between government , businesser and scholar. There will be many central media, all-round coverage and live broadcast. The attendance will be limited to invited government officials, decision-makers, global investors, senior advisors and technical/financial experts.
For more detail, please contact us by:
Phone: (86-10)68539833/57159126,13691301593,15201928531
Phone: (86-10)64492361,15110033468
Email:  cees@live.cn,  
I am looking forward to meeting you in Beijing.
Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Lin Zhiqin                                                 University of International  
                                                              Business  and Economics
Prof. & Secretariat-general,                       (UIBE)
Organizing Committee of China Energy    No. 10, Huixin Dongjie, Chao-
and Environment Summit                        Yang    District, Beijing, China
Initiators: State Information Center, NDRC ; China Center for International Economic Exchanges,NDRC; China Center for Urban Development,NDRC; Xiamen University; University of International Business and Economics(UIBE)
Organizers: CEES Secretariat,NDRC(Consulting Center of CEES), China Energy & Environment Institute, UIBE
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