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Both Nobel Prize Co-Laureate & academician will make a key note speeches on The Global Prospects of Biofuels, space solar power
来源:              加入时间:  2011-07-17                   摄              文

People Daily/China Energy News http://paper.people.com.cn/zgnyb/html/2011-07/18/content_873667.htm

Both Nobel Prize Co-Laureate & academician 
will make a
key note speeches on China and The Global 
Prospects of Biofuels, Space Solar Power

Wang  Xiji  Academician  of  Chinese Academy of Science; a distinguished precursor of Chinese A-bomb, h-bomb, artificial satellite; Consultant of Chinese Academy of Space Technology will make a key note speech on “ The Prospects of the development of space solar power plant technology and its Countermeasures” on behalf of 6 academicians.

Sergio C. Trindadea former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Science and Technology and a 2007 Nobel Prize Co-Laureate will make a key note speech on "China and The Global Prospects of Biofuels".

The messages  from Prof. LIN ZhiqinSecretary General of CEES have been confirmed  by the Hon. speakers .



Initiators: State Information Center, NDRC ; China Center for International Economic Exchanges,NDRC; China Center for Urban Development,NDRC; Xiamen University; University of International Business and Economics(UIBE)
Organizers: CEES Secretariat,NDRC(Consulting Center of CEES), China Energy & Environment Institute, UIBE
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