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Video address CEES 2011 by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam,the Ex-president of India
来源:  CEES            加入时间:  2011-09-10                   摄            Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam,the Ex-president of India  文

Word edition: Video address CEES 2011 by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam,the Ex-president of India.doc

                           Address at the CEES 2011

Delhi – Beijing Teleconference

28 August 2011


“Inventions and discoveries have emanated from creative minds that have been constantly working and imagining the outcome in the mind.  With imagining and constant effort, all the forces of the universe work for that inspired mind, thereby leading to inventions and discoveries.”  

By   Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the Ex-president of India

Initiators: State Information Center, NDRC ; China Center for International Economic Exchanges,NDRC; China Center for Urban Development,NDRC; Xiamen University; University of International Business and Economics(UIBE)
Organizers: CEES Secretariat,NDRC(Consulting Center of CEES), China Energy & Environment Institute, UIBE
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