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The 11th China Energy and Environment Summit (CEES)
来源:  CEES            加入时间:  2018-11-29                   摄            CEES  文

The 11th China Energy and Environment Summit (CEES)

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Theme:Green development and reform—green technologies and industries (energy conservation and environmental protection, biomass energy/garbage incineration power generation, oil & gas, new energy vehicles, new energies, etc.) investment and financing, conservation in energy industries, development of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly industries, use of hydrogen energy, environmental rights transaction, green development of civil nuclear technology, etc.

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Initiators: State Information Center, NDRC ; China Center for International Economic Exchanges,NDRC; China Center for Urban Development,NDRC; Xiamen University; University of International Business and Economics(UIBE)
Organizers: CEES Secretariat,NDRC(Consulting Center of CEES), China Energy & Environment Institute, UIBE
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